Friday, November 9, 2012

The Quiz Question

You've certainly been wondering what the quiz question will be for you to get your hands on

"The Golden Heart - Book 1: Ager" (Unedited Colin Morgan version)

Well it's simple. I'll give you the names of my inspirations for the characters, and you'll have to guess:
Which character did he/she inspire me for? I like to imagine my dream cast and let the story play like a movie in my head - it really helps realising if what you wrote sounds too boring - and it helps making the characters come alive.
The one with the most correct answers will get the unedited book for free. All others will get the chance to order the book once it's published and probably get a small prize if I can think of a good one. I'm not sure if it'll be published in other languages than German, but I'll talk to my publishing house about that (whichever it'll be) and try to make sure that you can order at least a full English version on my blog.

Please send me your answers as a comment on this blog OR as a direct message on /// OR as a direct message on

Here is my list of inspirations in random order:

My sister Nadja
Colin Morgan
Sigourney Weaver
My husband Mário
My friend and "bro" Vitor
Forest Whitaker
Garrett Hedlund
Myself (yeah, I'm an actress - it's in my blood to find a character I'd love to play ;))
f (x)'s Amber Liu
Zachary Quinto
Taylor Swift

The character descriptions can be found here:

Good luck! And have fun!
The competition will end 17th December 2012 so you'll hopefully receive it in time for Christmas <3

OH YEAH IMPORTANT! I forgot to mention that one person inspired me for both twin brothers.


  1. This sounds interesting! I'm horrible at guessing characters but I'm just gonna give this a try.

    So here goes:

    Your sister Nadja- Notin Vitae
    Colin Morgan- Devius Domus
    Sigourney Weaver- Leigh Carmen
    Your husband Mario- Ian Vehemens
    Your friend and bro Vitor- Ardor Leonis
    Forest Whitaker- Kyan Conscium
    Garrett Hedlund- Catus Tenerum
    Yourself- Aurea Vitae
    F(x)'s Amber Liu- Tisha Forte
    Zachary Quinto- Weldon & Clarus Placidum
    Taylor Swift- Celerina Gradus

    1. Congratulations! ^^ You're the winner of the Quiz =) Up to two characters, everything is correct ^^

  2. Not bad and very interesting! I'm not going to say anything yet until the competition is over though ;)

  3. Your sister Nadja- Notin Vitae
    Colin Morgan- Catus Tenerum
    Sigourney Weaver- Tisha Forte
    Your husband Mario- Ian Vehemens
    Your friend and bro Vitor- Ardor Leonis
    Forest Whitaker- Devius Domus
    Garrett Hedlund-Kyan Conscium
    Yourself- Aurea Vitae
    F(x)'s Amber Liu- Leigh Carmen
    Zachary Quinto- Weldon & Clarus Placidum
    Taylor Swift- Celerina Gradus

  4. Interesting! ^^ Can't wait to reveal =)
